Our History
Haomei has equipped with 1+4 hot tandem rolling line,4 cold mill production lines and 5foil mill production lines.
Haomei customers are from more than 20 countries and has total annual aluminum production capacity of 10,000 tons.
Haomei upgraded its “1+4” hot rolling mill line successfully, which enhanced its production capacity.
Haomei got the first customer abroad from United States. And the company team has grown up to more than 100 people.
The first”1+4”hot rolling mill line was completed and put into operation at Haomei.
Haomei adopt advanced technology on rolling machines and built a big factory for producing aluminum foil. Haomei has been the most experienced aluminum product supplier in China and won many praise.
The first cold rolling production line was completed and put into operation.
Haomei aluminum was established in Zhengzhou, Henan province. The company team are about 30 staff.